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Tuesday 6-7pm

​Thursday 5-6pm

​Train hard and have fun. 

Kung Fu Nunchaku


Flow children's martial arts B-safe (bullysafe) self defence and kickboxing programme 
We train in a relaxed but disciplined way where students are expected to train hard, have fun and respect those around them. 
Our syllabus incorporates the hand techniques from boxing with the footwork, blocking, movement and kicking from traditional TaeKwon-Do combined with flow martial arts B-safe (bullysafe) self defence programme which is taught in schools and community groups. This programme is a mixed martial arts approach to teaching self defence and incorporates techniques and strategies from a number of martial arts. We include escapes and counters from holds and basic groundwork.
There is a semi formal grading and promotion system and this is based purely on merit and not time served.

There are four key areas the children are assessed on a sliding scale depending on grade requirements. These areas are physical, technical, tactical and psychological. All grades are earnt. We welcome children with previous martial arts experience or those that train train at other clubs (always courteous to let your instructor know) but if you want to choke our grading system everyone starts at the beginning. 

There is no requirements for students to compete in open competitions but they are available through our affliation to the WKO (world kickboxing organisation).We are also registered with the British combat association and have affiliations to other prestigious Korean organisations including the kidohae which is the oldest recognised martial arts body in korea and recognised by the korean government. 

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