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Something For Everyone


For several reasons. 
1. To reach a state of flow (often referred  to being in the zone) means to be able to perform to a high level without conscious thought and to be thoroughly efficient. This is the aim of any sports person/ martial artist.
2. Flow refers to the 'WATER' (YU) principle which is prevalent in many martial arts. 
3. Flow is the ability to adapt and often avoid potentially dangerous situations.
4. If you can ' go with the flow' you have the ability to deal with the things life can throw at you.


Hosinsul (hosinsool/hoshinsul) means Self-Defence/personal protection techniques/training in Korean.


It is not a style in itself but a combination of different martial arts based around a series of concepts to form a comprehensive system of self defence.

It has no sporting applications and although there is a syllabus we follow. Each practitioner will adapt it to their own needs, fitnees and skill level. Bruce lee once said 'absorb what is useful and disregard the rest'.

Essentially it is integrated/mixed martial arts for Self-Defence. In Japanese it translates as Goshinjitsu. Also known as Hapki-Hosinsul. If you had to stylized it out would be a blend of TaeKwon-Do,Hapkido and Yusul (Korean term for Jiu jitsu). However it will utilise any system or tactics to 'get the job done'.
Some styles such as Taekwon-do have it as part of their syllabus but not as their main focus.

We are associated with the International Hosinsul federation. Head coach Stefan Sanson holds a 5th degree instructor certification with them.  The IHF  is the self defence arm of the Korean kido association, one of the oldest recognised martial arts associations in Korea.


Simply, no. We cater for complete beginners through to experienced martial artists who want to return to training or already train and just want to expand their repertoire. Fitness will be developed over time through training. Our classes are designed around all round development, but are not fitness specific classes. 


No. We learn/drill techniques that can be applied to a number of scenarios. Although there is a syllabus of core responses to attacks they are fluid and adaptable depending on the situation, threat perception and skill of the practitioner. Forms have a place in the martial arts but tend to be in the more traditional systems. The closest we get is the partner sets in Hapkido which follow a specific syllabus for each belt level. 


Who cares? Your skill is your belt level. 

Every style is different and can take 12 months in some and 15 years in others. Some systems don't even have belts. In Flow Hosinsul training the belts/ levels are a by product of training and experience and are more symbolic.

There are no set time schedules and each level (4 in total) can take between 1-2 years depending on the individual. A person will only progress once they can successfully complete and understand the syllabus for that level to an acceptable standard. Before the next promotion they will need to know the new syllabus and be able to perform the previous one/s to a higher standard and under pressure situations. Promotions are based on merit and the individuals personal, technical, tactical and physical qualities.

 No promotions are given, all are earnt. If a member holds black belts in other styles they are welcome to train with us but if they want to grade then it will be from the beginning. At FMA we focus on the journey and not the destination. 

Some of our members hold senior grades in other styles and just train with us as part of their 'happy place'. No ego's and relaxed training. 

Hapkido follows a more traditional promotion structure that is recognised/followed with their respective national/international organisations.

The children's syllabus is different in that it does follow a more standardised approach with a different grading system (similar to TaeKwon-Do) but as with the adults it's purely on merit.  We don't give grades because a child has attended a certain number of classes or because someone else in the class has progressed.  It is an individual journey. If your child is after a black belt in 1-2 years our suggestion would be to try another club.  Quality over quantity will always be our mantra.


WHAT EQUIPMENT DO I NEED?At first, nothing. Just loose comfortable clothing. We train bare footed on mats in class but you can wear seperate indoor shoes that won't dirty the mats if necessary.
 Eventually you will need pads and some other equipment but only when you're ready. This can be purchased through the club or from elsewhere but you will need to check if its appropriate first. 
There is club clothing available to buy but there is no mandatory requirement to have it. Children receive a free club t-shirt after a certain period of time with us. 


Starting any new activity can be expensive but we try to minimise costs. We are a community club and operate on minimal margins. 

Adults - 1 class per week = £27.50 

2+ classes per week =  £37.50 per month.

Private lessons = please see other section. 

Children -
1 class per week  = 27.50 .This Includes annual license, and first club t-shirt.
2 classes per week = £37.50 

Family discounts are available on monthly training of between 40-50%.

A pay as you go option is available for those who may not be able to make regular sessions (such as shift workers).

 £8 a session (£6 for under 11's)  + license/insurance  = £20 per year. 

There are no contracts and you pay at the beginning of the month for that month. Cancel at any time. 

Hapkido will require a uniform/dobok/gi after a period of time. Various options are available.

Some of our programmes such as FFS and B-safe can be offered free to the end users depending on how it's funded and by which organisations. Again, contact us for more details. 

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